When It’s Time to Call a Slip and Fall or Premises Liability Lawyer
Slip and fall accidents and premises liability accidents arise when people misstep on a surface or walkway, and can happen at home, in the workplace or just about anywhere when you are out and about. These often-debilitating injuries can sometimes be the responsibility of a property owner or government entity who could be responsible for maintaining the safety of an area.
According to the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC), approximately two million slip and fall injuries occur in the United States each year, and are nearly equal between men and women. However, there more job-related fatalities when men slip and fall, which stands at 11% as compared to women which stands at 5%.
If you are on someone else’s property and injure yourself due to a dangerous condition or the negligence of the property owner, you could be entitled to compensation for your injuries. A slip and fall attorney at Avrek Law Firm has the knowledge and expertise to navigate your case and fight for the highest amount of compensation to be paid for injuries and damages.
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Common Causes of Slips and Falls
According to the United States Department of Labor, slips and falls account for 15% of all accidental deaths per year. They are the second leading cause of accidental deaths behind motor vehicles. Slips and falls also account for over 95 million lost work days annually. Common causes of these accidents include:
- Greasy or wet floors
- Dry wooden or powdered floors
- Freshly waxed or polished floors
- Floor clutter
- Damaged ladder steps
- Sloped walking surfaces
- Open file cabinet drawers or open desks
- Uneven floor tiles or missing bricks
- Electrical cables or codes
- Bad weather conditions
Premises liability accidents can cause serious injuries, including concussions, traumatic brain injuries, or neck and spine injuries. Additionally, broken bones, such as a wrist or elbow are common because someone might try to catch themselves as they fall, so it’s important that property owners address any damages to their property right away.
If you have been injured in a slip and fall accident or premises liability accident, it is important that you talk to a premises liability attorney right away. Avrek Law Firm has been successfully representing slip and fall and premises liability clients for decades. Call now for your free consultation.
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Get Advice from a Slip and Fall Lawyer
Property owners, renters, managers, business owners and even commercial business owners can be held liable in a slip and fall accident, but there may be other parties responsible as well. Injury claims in a slip and fall accident can be complicated, so it’s best to work with an experienced premises liability attorney to protect yourself and to uphold your rights.
You aren’t required to have a slip and fall lawyer to represent you in an injury claim, but it is always a good idea to consult with one. An attorney can help you in many ways, including helping you to meet all deadlines and to sort the details of your claim.
Avrek Law Firm has a winning track record representing slip and fall cases that other law firms reject. With more than 50 years of combined experience, our qualified premises liability lawyers assist victims obtain the highest amount of compensation deserved for their claim. We offer a free case consultation to discuss the details of your claim, and you don’t pay us a penny until we win!
To further discuss your claim in a free case review, call our office or complete the online form today!
Frequently Asked Questions
The answer to this question depends on whether the store was aware of the hazard that caused your fall. For example, if moments earlier another customer spilled some of his or her coffee on the floor, and you step in it and slip, the store would not be liable for your injuries because the liquid wasn’t on the floor long enough for management to be aware of it or to remove it.
The court will consider whether the property owner knew or should have known about the hazard and had a “reasonable amount of time” to do something about it. For example, a retailer knows that on hot days, the overhead air conditioner drips condensation on the floor. If a customer were to slip in that water and suffer an injury, the retailer would almost certainly be liable for their injuries. However, if the manager puts a “Caution: Wet Floor” sign under the AC unit and has an employee frequently mop up the water, the court would likely side with the retailer in a premise liability case.
Cities are obligated to maintain public areas, such as sidewalks and streets, but there is no way for city governments to detect and repair every possible defect in a large area. A store owner may be found liable for injuries due to a spill that remained on the floor for several hours, but a city may fulfill its civil duties by warning the public of defects. Examples of this include using a barricade and signs to close a flooded road or spray painting an area of uneven sidewalk in a bright color to alert pedestrians of the hazard until it can be repaired.
In general, landowners owe no duty of care to trespassers, unless those trespassers are children. The Attractive Nuisance Doctrine states that when landowners are aware of hazards on their property that could be attractive to children, like swimming pools or unstable structures, the landowner must attempt to mitigate hazards or prevent children from accessing them. The reason for this law is that young children, unlike adult trespassers, do not fully understand the consequences of their actions.
Social guests are sometimes able to recover damages from their host depending on how the injury happened. Homeowners must tell their guests about or correct any dangerous conditions that guests are unlikely to recognize.
A student attacked on a college campus might be able to file a negligence action against the college. In a developing area of premises liability law, courts have found entities like universities, motels, convenience stores and shopping malls liable for attacks when they did not exercise reasonable care in protecting victims.