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What you need to know about how adjusters investigate personal-injury claims

After a personal-injury claim has been submitted to the insurance company, an insurance adjuster will be assigned to the case and an initial investigation will begin. This process is simple, straightforward, and standard across the board, though insurance clients should expect the investigator to be as thorough as possible.

The main objective for personal injury adjusters is going to be trying to figure out exactly who was at faults, which is why it is so mission critical to work with the right personal-injury attorney to make sure that you are protected and that your rights are observed across the board.

The overwhelming majority of the time, you aren’t ever going to have to personally interact with an insurance adjuster. They are going to be working the “case” independently, will be looking at all of the facts and evidence of the case that are available, and are usually going to try and take care of this as objectively as humanly possible.

From time to time, insurance adjusters are going to need to speak to individuals over the phone (and, in some rare cases, in person), and that’s when you want to make sure that you are represented by a personal injury attorney.

The kinds of insurance cases that are most closely scrutinized are those that involve “red flags” – insurance claims relating to pre-existing injuries, soft tissue complaints that cannot be or has yet to be substantiated, and most any injury that results in visiting with a chiropractor.

Adjusters are going to go through medical information, are going to use independent methods to place a dollar value insurance claim, and will generally be looking at the facts – and nothing but the facts – of the case. However, it’s important to remember that these adjusters (above all else) are going to be working for the insurance company first and foremost.

If you’ve ever had to deal with an insurance adjuster in the past and felt like they weren’t exactly on your side, or that you weren’t able to actually take advantage of the insurance that you are supposed to be protected by, you are nowhere near alone.

If you want to be 100% certain that you are getting taken care of, then your rights – not only as an insurance customer, but as a human being – are completely respected, and that you get the outcome that you desire most, you’re going to want to speak with the best personal-injury attorneys around.

Contact Avrek Law at your earliest possible convenience and establish an appointment for a free consultation at your earliest opportunity.

For a free no obligation consultation please call 866-598-5548

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