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What If a Car Accident Keeps Me from Work?

Car Accident Injuries and Work

Some car accidents are minor and you simply walk away with a few stitches and a prescription for painkillers. On the other hand, some are quite severe and result in hospitalization and sometimes specialized care. In such instances, the doctor will always offer you professional medical advice on the things that you may and may not do. Some suggestions like physical therapy, light exercises, changes in diet and prescribed medication are aimed at improving your health and making you recover faster. Consequently, the warnings are meant to prevent you from making your condition worse and endangering your life even further. Heeding such advice is the key to a complete and possibly painless recovery, but the opposite is a sure route to even worse conditions.

Following Advice

Following the advice that the doctor has suggested serves two purposes at once. One is to ensure your recovery from the medical condition that is keeping you down. The other is to provide your car injury defense lawyer with a presentable case. Staying away from things you have been warned about will go a long way in proving your case, but doing them actually does more harm. For instance, if a doctor advises you to avoid alcohol with your medication, it is good to avoid it. Indulging in alcohol and getting yourself hospitalized again is something that the opposition can use to state negligence on your part, and damage your whole claim.

Several activities are always written off during the recovery period. Most of them are usually leisure activities or hobbies and the temptation to return to them is sometimes great. Physically exerting activities like marathons, mountain and rock climbing, white water rafting and even skiing should be avoided. This is more so in the wake of a very serious car accident. The pain is a factor that keeps most down, in case you are on pain medication then common sense and self-control should serve to keep you away from them.

The one things that people are usually willing to brave the pain for is work. This is because the accident comes along with a lot of financial strain, especially for those without a medical insurance policy. Bills start to pile on top of others, mortgage payments become overdue, credit payments become late damaging your score, loan payments become overdue and the medical bills start getting outrageous with each consecutive visit to a professional. That is not even all, any available finances you have gone to the sustenance of basic needs only. Worst of all, the one thing you considered a valuable asset, your car, is probably totaled and lying somewhere in a junk yard. It thus becomes quite difficult to just sit around without perusing the only stable source of income that you had before the accident. The pull is usually even greater in individuals that work on commission or hourly rates and is assured some good overtime. The desire to just push the pain to the back of the mind for some three to five hours and clear those bills is usually quite nagging.

Going to work is always discouraged. More so, in the cases where the doctor has recommended complete bed rest. You should always know that your car accident attorney will include your lost income and accumulated bills as part of the settlement request. This means that you get all the income that you have lost for being bedridden and then some. If the claim states the loss of revenue in the damages, and you still go to work, then you are damaging your own case. The opposition will see you as a non-compliant individual and a jury will obviously take no pity on your cause. Going to work is a simple show of resistance to your treatment suggested by the doctor.

If You Need Help

If you have been involved in a car accident and sustained injuries, the doctor will obviously advise you to stay away from work as you recover. In case you need some professional opinions from a legal standpoint, then get in contact with the Avrek Law Firm at 888-333-5509. You can set up a free consultation with a qualified and experienced car accident attorney, and get the proper information on how to handle yourself from that point onwards.

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