According to the Association for the Advancement of Automotive Medicine, “Unlicensed driving is involved in a disproportionate and increasing number of preventable crash fatalities and plays a detrimental role in the lifesaving safety behaviors of their passengers. Our findings highlight an alarming peer influence between unlicensed drivers and passengers, placing increased emphasis on the need to better understand and characterize this present and growing threat.”
If you find yourself or a loved one has suffered an injury associated with a vehicle accident, the experienced personal injury lawyers at Avrek Law can guide you through the process of receiving the compensation you’re due. Our law firm tackles every case with evidence collected from police reports, eyewitnesses and other sources. You’ll never have to negotiate a settlement without one of our lawyers at the helm.
You’ll have a lot of questions if your teen gets into a car accident, including, “Are parents liable for children’s car accidents?” Statistics for teen driver-related car crashes in the United States clarify just how vital it is to seek support from vehicle accident law professionals immediately. If necessary, a family member can call the office to start the process.
U.S. Teen Driving Statistics
- In 31% of teenage driver fatalities, speeding was involved.
- Passenger vehicles account for 2,100 fatal car crashes a year.
- 20% of fatal accidents involved alcohol.
California Teen License Restrictions

In hopes of reducing the number of car crashes and teen distracted driving in California, state laws impose restrictions on drivers under 18. These restrictions include requiring a licensed parent or guardian, licensed driver 25 or older, or a driving instructor be present in the vehicle when teens are driving between 11 p.m. and 5 a.m. or when passengers are 20 or younger.
The restrictions have exceptions. All exceptions require a signed note from an adult involved in the situation. Only emancipated minors are exempt from restrictions without the consent or signed note from an adult. Exceptions and notes required include:
- Medical transportation, with a signed doctor’s note
- School activity or attendance, with a signed principal’s note
- Job, with a signed employer’s note
- Your need or need of a member of the family, with a signed parent’s note
Common Causes Of Teen Car Crashes In Orange County
Many causes of car accidents involving teens are attributed to driver negligence, but that doesn’t account for all accidents. According to Varsity Driving Academy, a driver training program serving Irvine, California, common causes of teen car crashes include:
- Distracted driving
- Texting
- Talking on the phone
- Loud music
- Eating
- Drinking non-alcoholic beverages
- Picking up dropped items from the floor
- Speeding accidents
- Reckless driving
- Driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol
- Medical conditions such as ADHD
What is Irvine, California Doing to Decrease Teen Car Crash Fatalities?
The BRAKES (Be Responsible and Keep Everyone Safe) training program has partnered with Kia Motors America, headquartered in Irvine, California, to eliminate as many teen car crashes as possible through education and training. According to research, teens who graduate are nearly 65 percent less likely to be involved in a car accident for up to three years after the training.
The California Highway Patrol established the Start Smart program for teens who are licensed or those soon to be licensed. The program teaches young drivers about responsibility on the road, awareness of surroundings, and the importance of wearing a seat belt. Parents are welcome to participate in the program that allows for continued support after completing the program. According to the commissioner of Start Smart, “Start Smart prepares new drivers and their parents for the challenges that lie ahead. Ultimately, the goal is to save the lives by producing safe drivers through education.”
Teen Drivers – High Risk
Decades of research has proven teen drivers are at higher risk of injury and death associated with car crashes. At the time of the accident, teens are often overwhelmed by the influx of activity with police officers, medical personnel, and fire department personnel at the scene.
Teens may feel driven to call a parent, sibling or friend immediately, but it’s more important to focus on your body. If you feel injured, in any way, take the ambulance to the emergency room. Seeking care at the scene of the crime increases the likelihood of being examined more closely and lessens the chance of injuries going unnoticed. If anything feels out of the ordinary, ride the ambulance to the hospital for a full checkup.
Drivers under 18 may refuse to make a statement and ask to call parent or lawyer before answering questions about the accident. This refusal doesn’t require the parent or guardian to be present at the scene. Teens have the right to refuse without adult consent. This includes refusing to speak with officers once reaching the hospital.
This is where our personal injury lawyers go to work. From the moment an attorney is hired to work the case, neither the child nor the parent will answer questions without the presence of a lawyer.
How Long Will It Take to Settle a Teen Car Crash Case?
There’s no set time frame for settlement of a vehicle accident case. Many factors contribute to the time it takes to close a case. These include:
- Weather
- Type of accident
- Injuries
- Determination of fault
- Case disputed by the insurance company or another driver, if applicable
Road conditions also play a critical role in the resolution of a case. Roadway defects such as potholes, poor lighting, missing signage, drop at the shoulder, and worn roadways all affect case processing.
Avrek Law’s legal team is here to work on the case from start to finish. Your attorney will obtain all required evidence from police reports, statements from eyewitnesses, and phone records if the case involves distracted driving. They will investigate the scene of the accident and help coordinate medical care, when possible.
What Compensation Are You Entitled To?
Vehicle accidents tend to be either open-and-shut cases (rear-end collisions with a clear at-fault driver) or more involved with medical expenses, lost wages (parent and teen), property damage, pain and suffering, and rehabilitation. Lawyers settle cases in two parts: Vehicle repair and medical care, which includes pain and suffering.
A collision expert completes your vehicle repair before medical care concludes, in applicable cases. Once you’ve employed your Avrek Law personal injury lawyer, a collision specialist estimates repair costs, which is then approved by the at-fault insurance company. Repairs aren’t relevant with total car loss.
Medical care can be a lengthy process. Any respected lawyer will advise a client to not even consider a medical settlement until all injured parties recover fully. This could mean the case could last a year or longer, which makes it even more important to have a lawyer by your side to fight tirelessly to get the best possible settlement. With 50 years of combined experience, Avrek Lawa has recovered more than $1 billion for our clients in the process.
Teen car crashes are common events in Orange County, and the causes of teenage car accidents are many. Every case will benefit from hiring a personal injury lawyer from Avrek Law firm. If you’ve been in an accident and need to speak with car accident lawyers in Orange County, contact us online.