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The 4 Benefits of Resolving Your Personal Injury Case Out of Court

Settle Personal Injury Case Out Of Court

Accidents happen. This is an unfortunate fact of life. The thing that we as individuals do have control over is how we choose to react when faced with an accident. From the legal prospective there are two possible routes to resolving issues from an accident. You can either go to court or you can settle the case out of court.

While some may be tempted to go to court, thinking that this will lead to the highest possible compensation for the damages that they have suffered, there are several disadvantages to going to court. There are, however, 4 distinct benefits of resolving your personal injury case out of court. Avrek Law firm is one of the premier personal injury firms. Contact us today for a Free consultation to discuss your case, potential settlement, and other crucial details.  Call us at 866-598-5548 for immediate help, we are available 24/7.

1. Speedy Resolution

When you have been injured in an accident and have to miss work you need your claim to be settled as fast as possible. Going to court can be a long and arduous process that can take weeks, months, or in some cases even years to play out to completion. This is all before one takes into account the different appeals that can occur, potentially dragging the process out even longer.

Should an injured party decide to settle a case out of court the resolution occurs almost immediately. This means that hospital bills can be paid off, lost wages replaced, and peace of mind achieved. Being injured in a car accident does not have to mean that you should have to wait years to receive the compensation that you are entitled to.

2. Certainty

Court cases are long and complicated processes. No matter how confident you are that the law is on your side there is always the risk that you have overlooked something or that the other side has a legal trick that you are not expecting hidden up their sleeve. Therefore, the court case may not be successful for you. Even if it is successful there is always the risk that appeals will be made that will hold the outcome in limbo for years and potential alter the damages awarded.

By settling your personal injury case out of court you can be sure of what the outcome will be. You will know the terms of the agreement before signing it and can count on it being carried out. With certainty comes the ability to plan. Knowing what your income situation will be will help you plan to get better faster and get back to work or begin to structure your finances around your new living situation.

3. Lower Legal Costs

A personal injury lawyer can be expensive. When pursuing a case in court it can be hard to tell exactly how long you will need to retain a lawyer or what the final total of their fees will be. Should your case need to go through appeal it is likely that the costs of your case will be astronomical.

Settling a personal injury case out of court helps to keep your legal costs down. Because the settlement process is so much faster and more certain than the process of going to trial your lawyer will not incur nearly as many charges. This is important as attorney fees are often paid out of your settlement, so even if you should go to court and win a higher compensation, the legal costs may result in you getting an even smaller final payout than if you had settled.

4. Privacy

Court proceedings are public records. Should you decide to go to trial for your personal injury case the proceedings of the court will be available to everyone. Testimony at trial may include details about your personal life including alcohol and drug use, your personal life, work relationships, family relationships, family history, sex life, marital problems, and many other potentially embarrassing and damaging pieces of information.

Out of court settlements are not matters of public record and therefore are not subject to the same levels of scrutiny that trial proceedings are. Therefore you can be confident that should your case be settled, details of your life that you would rather not share with others will stay unknown.

Have you been injured? Call a Personal Injury Attorney Now!

The legal team at Avrek Law Firm is passionate about helping injured clients reach the best settlement when they are involved in any type of accident.

If you or a loved one have been injured during a truck accident, car accident, bicycle accident, slip and fall, motorcycle crash, or any other manner of accident, caused by the negligent or reckless actions of someone else, our experienced personal injury specialized attorneys are available to personally review your case. Call us at 866-598-5548 to schedule a free consultation with our legal team today.

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