As the U.S. economy continues to recover from the impact of COVID-19, California’s Inland Empire is expected to see record growth, with mid-year projections from the UCR School of Business forecasting a 6-10% rise in Inland Empire business activity during the second half of 2021. Although this may be a boon for local industry, it may also worsen Inland Empire traffic congestion, increasing the risk of Riverside traffic accidents among commuters. If you’ve been injured in a collision in the Inland Empire, contacting an experienced Riverside car accident attorney such as Super Woman Super Lawyer Maryam Parman can help you obtain the maximum amount of compensation for your injuries.
What is the population of Riverside County?
According to a 2019 report by the U.S. Census Bureau, Riverside county is one of the fastest growing counties in the United States (as well as a large contributor to steadily worsening Riverside traffic conditions). Between 2018 and 2019, the county’s population grew by over 30,000 people, at a rate of 1.5%. Since the last official U.S. Census in 2010, Riverside rose by approximately 10.4%, for an addition of 228,544 people – the largest 10-year percentage increase of population in Southern California counties.
How large is California’s Inland Empire?
Encompassing portions of both the Riverside and San Bernardino counties, the Inland Empire region of Southern California is home to more than 4 million people. As a major metropolitan centre, the Inland Empire is also considered to be part of the Greater Los Angeles area – and it has inherited many of the same notorious traffic issues that have become synonymous with Los Angeles.
In 2018, Riverside’s neighboring county of San Bernardino exceeded both the state and national average of motor vehicle deaths, totaling 334 fatalities as a result of Inland Empire traffic accidents. Despite numerous traffic routes throughout the region (including four interstate freeways and 32 state routes), Inland Empire traffic congestion is likely to worsen alongside exponential population growth, as previous projections forecast a staggering total of 7.2 million residents by 2046.
What should I do if I’m involved in any Riverside traffic accidents?
As with any motor vehicle accident, the primary concern should be for everyone’s safety. After a collision, it’s important to check on the condition of those in your vehicle (including yourself), as well as anyone in the other vehicle(s) involved in the accident. Next, check the scene for other hazards to ensure that everyone remains as safe as possible until help arrives.

It’s also important to make a note of all relevant details of the accident, such as date and time, precise location of the accident, and the exact sequences of events that led up to or caused the accident. If the accident resulted in a personal injury in Riverside to yourself or others, make sure to document that as well.
You should also exchange information with any other drivers involved (assuming they are in a medical condition to do so). Key details to record include:
- Name
- Address
- Phone number
- Email address
- Insurance company and policy number
- Driver’s license number
- Vehicle registration
- License plate number
Inspecting and documenting any damage caused to both vehicles may help your case as well. Your smartphone camera can be an excellent resource; use it to take several photos of the vehicles, and to record any relevant information if you don’t have a pen and paper available.
After exchanging information with the other driver, you should report the incident to the appropriate parties as soon as possible. California law requires an accident to be reported to the police within ten days if there is over $1,000 in damages. Filing these reports as soon as possible while fresh in your mind can also help keep the details of the incident accurate. If you’ve recently had any repairs done to your vehicle and you believe they may have played a factor in the collision, it’s important to understand when suing a mechanic may be the appropriate course of action in the pursuit of compensation.
Finding the Best Riverside Car Accident Attorney for Your Case
If you’ve sustained injuries as a result of any Riverside traffic accidents, it’s essential to find a law firm that has a proven track record in the successful resolution of cases just like yours. With more than $2 Billion recovered in over 45,000 cases, the Inland Empire car accident attorneys at Avrek Law have the experience you want on your side. Worried that you can’t afford quality legal assistance? As a “no win, no fee” law firm, you’ll only pay our fee if we win your case. Contact us today to receive a free Riverside County lawsuit consultation and learn more!