Immediately after a car accident, it can be difficult to remember exactly what to do next. That’s why Avrek Law, car accident lawyers and motorcycle accident attorneys, has put together a Vehicle Accident Report Kit. Print this off and keep it in your glove box, or bookmark the link for future access. It’s hard to know how to prepare for an accident, but by following these steps, you’ll have the information you need to file an insurance claim and report the incident to the state Department of Motor Vehicles. You’ll also have all the details required to start a legal case if you need to sue the other driver for additional compensation.
How to Prepare for an Accident:
- Stay calm and assess the scene.
- Call 911 (if medical attention required), or the state non-emergency number.
- Check for road hazards.
- Find a safe place to wait for help.
- Refer to the checklist.
- Gather the other party’s information.
- Take pictures of the accident (but do not post them on any social media sites).
- Get witness statements and contact info.
- Call Avrek Law for additional free advice at 855-663-1706
Additional Information About Car Accidents
There is a lot of information online about what you need to do after a car accident. As legal experts in car accidents throughout the United States, Avrek Law, car accident attorneys, has a growing number of blogs to help you understand your legal options and next steps.
- Should you move your car after an accident
- What to do after a motorcycle accident
- Should I hire a lawyer for a minor car accident
- How long after an accident can you sue
Contact an Avrek Law Car Accident Expert Attorney Today!

Take the guesswork out of how to prepare for an accident. Download your copy of Avrek Law’s Vehicle Accident Report Kit today. Don’t forget that you can always contact Avrek Law motorcycle accident attorneys at any time, especially immediately after the accident, for free expert legal advice. With more than 50 years of combined experience representing cases in several states, Avrek Law in Fresno, our auto accident attorneys are experts when it comes to every kind of car accident. The consultation is free and you’ll get advice from a law firm with more than $1 billion recovered in more than 45,000 cases. View one of our locations or contact us for a free consultation.
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