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Exploding E Cigarettes and Injuries

E-cigarettes (‘E-cigarettes’) can and do cause injuries.

Batteries in E-cigarettes have the capability of overheating, producing an energy leak similar to that of pyrotechnic fires.

The leak may cause serious burns, but not explicit explosions.

These types of “explosions” are not limited to E-cigarettes but also to mobile phones, computers or any device that uses lithium-ion batteries.

Nevertheless, last year the Food and Drug Administration (‘FDA’) announced new regulations that tightened the sale and use of E-cigarettes and other battery-operated vaporization devices, such as pen-type electronic cigars.

The rules are especially focused on preventing children and teenagers from using E-cigarettes.

However, it also covers issues involving the batteries in said devices.

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New Laws on E Cigarettes

The new regulations mean big changes for the multimillion-dollar e-cigar industry, which includes widely distributed products such as Vuse (made by the large tobacco company RJ Reynolds), NuMark (manufactured by Altria, another tobacco company), and Blu (from the tobacco company Imperial Brands).

Under the new laws, manufacturers will have two years to apply for FDA approval for all e-cigar products released after February 15, 2007.

The period allows the agency to evaluate the safety of electronic cigarette ingredients and components better.

Batteries used in the devices also require approval as they are believed to cause explosions and fires resulting in serious injury.

In addition, as of August 8, 2016, manufacturers were no longer able to distribute free samples of their products.

The new laws also mean changes for retailers selling electronic cigars. In addition, as of August 8, retailers nationwide:

  • Will no longer be able to sell electronic cigars to people under 18, either in stores or online.
  • They must ask for a photo ID for in-store purchases.
  • Electronic cigar vending machines are not allowed except in “adult only” establishments such as bars and casinos.

The current FDA action follows the heels of the Children’s Nicotine Poisoning Prevention Act.

This went into effect in 2016 summer, and it required childproof packaging in liquid nicotine packaging.

“Keeping highly toxic liquid nicotine out of the hands of younger children is vital”


“bright-colored packaging may be appealing to young children, for whom a single teaspoon can be fatal.”

Reactions From the Electronic Cigar Industry

The e-cigar community is not pleased by the actions of the FDA.

The new rules “will cause a modern ban on products that have been recognized around the world as far less dangerous than cigarettes,” says Gregory Conley, president of the American Vaping Association, an industry trade group.

“Absurdly, ex-smokers will be faced with the prospect of having to buy products that help them stay smoke-free on the black market.”

However, anti-e-cigarettes advocates point out that the FDA is not proposing to remove e-cigarettes from the market.

They merely seek to regulate them.

In addition, evidence that electronic cigars help people quit smoking is far from conclusive.

Some research suggests that teens who start using electronic cigars are more likely to start using traditional cigars as well.

The new laws do not go far enough

The expected and welcome supervision is good news for consumers, but there is still room to do it better.

The new rules fail to prohibit the sale of electronic flavor cigars, which come in such child-friendly flavors as chewing gum, melon and popcorn.

Can an E Cigarette Really Explode? How To Prevent This?

E-cigarettes are designed for the (former) smoker who is aware of their health.

Frequent reports of battery explosions and poisonings from ingesting e-liquids serve as reminders that not only have to do with the safety of vaping compared to tobacco.

In fact, learning about the safe use of an electronic cigarette is essential.

It must be said that most of the accidents involving e-cigarettes that have occurred so far were caused because the user did not follow the essential safety precautions.

That is why we, at Avrek Law Firm, write this guide, to provide the information necessary for a safe use of E-cigarettes.

There will still be accidents (as nothing is 100% avoidable), but if you pay attention to our advice, they may be kept to an absolute minimum.

The 5 Golden Rules:

  1. Safe use of E-cigarettes for beginners

E-cigarettes are user-friendly for beginners and are designed with the aim of being exceptionally easy to use, and safety issues when it comes to using them are minimal.

However, it is important to understand why cartomizers get hot, to be able to identify when they are running out of the liquid and learn how to operate your e-cig safely.

Keep in mind that an atomizer is effectively an electronic heater, and the surrounding area can become hot after prolonged use.

If you notice that your cartomizer gets hot, stop using your electronic cigarette for a while and come back to it when it’s cold, or you can switch to a different one and continue to vape.

An empty cartomizer can be identified by a drop in steam production and characteristic “burnt” taste when the electrodes are heated in the absence of e-liquid.

  1. How should you charge your e-cig?

Many cigarette explosions occurred while they were being charged, and in many cases, damage could have been avoided or minimized with safe charging practices.

The instructions are almost always printed in the manual, and the best way to minimize the risk of problems while charging your e-cig is to follow them strictly.

  1. Being safe while carrying your e-cig

Carrying your electronic cigarette safely is easy, but if you do it wrong, you can end up with some serious problems.

The risks are greatly reduced with beginner level E-cigarettes, but still, it is important to understand why you should not carry loose batteries in your pocket alongside with keys, coins or anything of a metallic nature and to learn how to protect yourself against potential problems.

  1. Cartomizer security

Apart from the fact that they can get quite hot with prolonged use, the main risk associated with cartomizers and clearomizers is that they contain e-liquid. Nicotine is highly toxic, and the fact that it is a component of most e-liquids makes them effectively poisonous. Most beginners come in contact with e-liquid when some of it leaks from the electronic cigarette’s tip and accidentally fall into their mouth. It is an unpleasant experience.

  1. Do not vape and drive

It is important to act cautiously if you decide to vape while you drive. If you are doing some complicated task in your e-cig, like charging the batteries or the liquid, you are putting yourself, your car and others on the road at risk.

If you have to do something that requires both hands, do so only when you are stopped. It is not advised to vape if you are stuck in traffic or waiting for the lights to change because the traffic could start moving again and leave you in a precarious situation. Dispose of the cartridges safely – do not simply throw them out the window. Do not let your pet or children find it in the trash since they might swallow it.

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