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DUI And The Super Bowl: The Rise In DUI Accidents

The Rise in DUI Accidents After The Big Game 

For most people who love sports, the Super Bowl is the one time of the year when everyone comes together around a single sporting event. Determining the champions for that year, the Super Bowl is a great time where people get together and celebrate a shared passion. In addition, it is when increase dramatically.

The AAA of Southern California recently published that Super Bowl Sunday saw a rise in injuries of 75 percent for that day. In LA, the rates of accidents increased by 55%. With more than 276 fatal injuries and crashes reported over 10 different Super Bowl Sundays in California alone, it is easy to see how the injury rates skyrocket on this day. As a final thought, every year the amount of people involve in DUI accidents increase with every new Super Bowl Sunday. The best thing you can do is to stay safe when driving home and carefully plan who will be driving you back at the end of the night.

SuperBowl_50_ dont_drink_and_drive

Be aware of drinking alcohol very quickly. It can quickly impair and slow down judgment. Be sure to mix in water along with the alcohol to slow the process and lead to a less exhausting Monday. You will want to make sure that you have had enough to eat. Balance drinking with food to create a better experience that will keep your wits about you.

How You Can Avoid An Accident

Super Bowl Sunday is a great day to party. With some planning and common sense, you can have a great day and get home safe. Below are a few tips you can use to ensure that regardless of the amount of partying you do, you can get home safe and secure. You owe it to the people in your life to be responsible, and the following suggestions will help cover you.

Make sure you have a designated driver before you head out. If there is no driver available, then call a friend, family member, or even a cab. If nothing else, spend the night where you are to sleep it off.

Deny Friends:
Don’t let your friend drive if they are drunk. We all know alcohol impairs judgment. By letting a friend drive drunk, you are facilitating their behavior and making it possible for them to hurt themselves and others. Hoping that nothing is going to happen is not good enough.

Be sure that you are wearing your seatbelt. If someone else is driving drunk and hits your car, a seatbelt will mean the difference between walking away, and spending months in recovery. No person wants to spend that much time in a hospital or rehab. Protect yourself.

Make It Easy To Get A Ride Use Uber or Lyft:
If you are the one hosting the party, then be sure to have the phone number of cab companies available for your guests or use the Uber or Lyft app to order a ride. Write them down on a piece of paper and give them to your guests. Whether you help them call or they use the number when they realize they cannot drive, they will get home safe.

Stop Serving Drinks:
Again, if you are hosting a party, then consider limiting alcohol consumption after a certain time. Serve more food and give people a chance to sober up before they head out for the night.

Whether it is Super Bowl Sunday or any other day of the year, if you are involved in an accident relating to DUI then you will need the best representation out there, let Avrek Law Firm be there to represent you when you need it the most call us at 866-598-5548.


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