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Car Accidents and How to Avoid Them: Things You Should Know About Defensive Driving

What is defensive driving? Defensive driving is not just a simple catchphrase. It is a set of driving skills that will allow you to defend yourself against the possible outcomes of a collision caused by other drivers or conditions of the road.

The golden rule to remember is that “When you are on the road, you are never alone”. Best case scenario, you will be sharing the road with other responsible drivers that will know the limits of their capabilities and will attempt to make driving easier for others. Worst case scenario, you will be at the mercy of drivers who share little thought about the wellbeing of other drivers and pedestrians around them

Aside from other drivers and pedestrians, defensive driving also protects you from hazards like poor weather, poorly built roads, and much more. If you try your best to make sure you look ahead and always keep an eye on the road, chances are you will be able to spot potential hazards way more easily. And therefore, you will be able to respond accordingly to them in order to keep yourself and others safe.

Here Is a Short List About Good Habits at the Wheel!


Planning Ahead for the Unexpected

Never expect that when you drive, it will be the same safe and controlled experience. At any point, while you are on the road, disaster can strike you. You must always be prepared to respond to any matters of urgency that may happen when you are driving. Always be ready to break at a moment’s notice, always maintain a safe distance between you and the other cars, always be ready to control your car in case one of your tires blows up, your engine fails, or a car crash becomes unavoidable.

Keep a Short Leash on the Accelerator and the Breaks

It is important that you are always driving at a speed that you can control at any time. That means a speed that will allow you to break at a moment’s notice whenever an obstacle appears ahead.

Always Be Prepared to React to Other Drivers

As stated before, “When you are on the road, you are never alone”. As such, you must always be ready to react to whatever other the drivers do.

Never Expect Other Drivers to Think the Same as You

Never expect all the drivers to follow the rules. You may be a model driver with an impeccable record, but that doesn’t mean other drivers will follow your example.

Be Respectful to the Other Users of the Road

A rule that most of our parents taught us is to treat others as you would like them to treat you. When you are in front of the wheel, be mindful of the other driver/pedestrian situation.

Be Mindful of the Conditions of the Road

By conditions of the road, we mean anything that can affect driving. Anything from potholes to snow will definitely make your travel more hazardous. That means you must be able to regulate your speed accordingly in other to keep your car under control.

Avoid Distractions While Driving

Anything that takes your eyes or minds away from the road is a distraction that can potentially put you in danger. Put your phone down, keep your hands on the wheel and your eyes on the road.

Following these tips gives you the best chances to avoid an accident. However, if all else fails and worst comes to worst, we are here to help you!

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