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Car Accidents: A Checklist to Help You Stay Safe on California’s Roads

To have a car accident is not a pleasant experience. It might seem like something will happen just because of bad luck. In reality, it can simply happen because of the way drivers behave on the road.

The best way to avoid an accident while driving is to follow a series of good habits, and at the same time to be prepared for any eventuality you may encounter on the road.

Here is a list of recommendations that you, as a driver, should follow when driving on any road, here in California or elsewhere!

Car Accidents: A Checklist to Help You Stay Safe on California’s RoadsDriving and the Speed Limit

One might think that the speed limit is simply a nuisance, but in fact, it is generally based on what can be considered the best speed to drive on that road.

Driving beyond the speed limit puts you at risk of not being able to respond appropriately to another driver who is breaking unexpectedly, or not being able to turn properly when it is necessary.

However, driving below the speed limit also represents a serious risk. Not only it will slow down traffic speed, but also you will risk being hit by a driver who did not see you until it was too late to stop.

Driving Fatigue

Fatigue while driving is a very real danger. Fatigue is anything that can compromise your attention from drowsiness to falling asleep briefly behind the wheel. This could be because you did not get enough sleep, or you have been driving for too long. The reason this is so dangerous is that it will only take a few seconds to lose control of the vehicle.

It is also advisable to stop at a gas station if a driver is tired and wants to fall asleep. At most gas stations, you can stop for long periods of time, and you can use this time to take a nap. Drowsy driving is a bad idea, as most of the time, sleeping will win and could cause an accident.

Distractions Behind the Steering Wheel

The arrival of mobile phones has presented new problems, which are texting or calling while driving. Taking your eyes away from the road for even a fraction of second, especially while you are driving, can easily lead to a car accident.

If you must answer a text message or call, stop at a service station and answer it there. Stopping for a few minutes is better than risking injury or spending many hours and a lot of money due to a car accident.

Driving Under the Influence

For a good reason, driving under the influence is illegal. Even driving sleepily is a bad idea, as it can be just as dangerous as drunk driving. Being drunk will mean you do not have full control of yourself, much less of a powerful metal box that can go 100 mph, so it’s best to avoid it.

The Climate Factor

Weather conditions also play a crucial role in car accidents, especially at night. Snow and rain can make roads slippery and difficult to drive, while fog can obstruct driving vision.

It is important to make the necessary adjustments, such as changing the tire pressure or turning on the fog lights, when these weather changes occur. Most accidents happen when people drive under these conditions, thinking about driving could be the same as driving on bright and sunny weather.

Preparation Before Hitting the Road

The Role of the Seat Belt

If you are not wearing a seat belt, your body will not be restricted, and the momentum will carry you forward. It will then impact what is in front of you, regardless of whether it is a steering wheel or windshield. Think about the impact that can take place when there is nothing to stop you from flying forward. It is certainly a scary thought and you can imagine the damage that can occur as a result.

Proper Car Maintenance

One fundamental thing you can do to avoid having a car accident is to make sure that your car is properly maintained. You may be completely sober and completely conscious, but if the brakes do not work, there is not much you can do to prevent it from reaching someone. You must take care of all the basics of your car for safety like brakes, tires, lights, and steering. And you can always get parts to improve the car’s performance like special brakes which will give you an extra level of mechanical safety.

Remember: No driver is perfect, and sometimes accidents can not be avoided. However, simply by following certain rules and guidelines, we can reduce the chances of a car accident to be as low as possible.

And if, unfortunately, you have a car accident, contact us.

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