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Baby Carrier Cribs And Stroller Injuries

Children Being Injured From Baby Carrier Products

According to a research conducted by experts at the Nationwide Children’s Hospital, accidents with strollers and baby carriers are more common than we might think.

The results show there is an average of two accidents per hour every year when using these items to carry babies.

The authors of the research point out that although baby carriers and strollers are often used safely by families, when accidents occur, the injuries can be quite serious.

The research analyzed data from emergency rooms, injuries that occurred in baby carriers and strollers in a period between 1990 and 2010.

In this time there were a total of 361,000 cases in the emergency rooms for children under five, which corresponds to an average of two accidents per hour.

Being pregnant and having a baby is a life changing event, so is protecting your young baby.

If you have questions about what car seats are safe read more in our blog.


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Contact Avrek Law For Help

If your child was injured while using a stroller, crib, etc. then please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Avrek Law has over 50 years experience and we’ve recovered over $250 Million for our clients.

You can contact us 24 hours a day online or call us at 866-598-5548.

If you have questions call us for a Free consultation.

Our personal injury attorneys will fight for you and your family.

Top 5 Best Baby Cribs and Strollers

Holding your baby is one of the best ways to bond with him or her.

These were the best models on the market in terms of safety for the little ones of the house.

  • Four Position 360 de Ergobaby

A lightweight carrier that allows you to carry the baby in different positions.

It is suitable for children from 6.5 lbs to 31 lbs, up to 36 months of age.

Requires an adapter (sold separately) for children under 5 months or 11 lbs.

  • Britax

It allows you to carry the baby without feeling discomfort on the shoulders or back.

You can hold the baby in different positions as well.

It is suitable for children between 7 lbs to 31 lbs.

  • Beco Gemini

A baby crib that allows you to carry the baby in four different positions.

It is suitable for children from 6 lbs to 34 lbs.

  • Performance Collection de Ergobaby

A lightweight baby crib, ideal for outdoor adventures.

  • Maya Wrap Baby Sling

A lightweight baby crib that can be carried in various positions; it has an integrated pocket.


injuries from baby items

Most Common Injuries From Baby Cribs and Strollers

Most injuries occurred in the head, which is very frightening, since trauma and concussion in young children can have serious consequences on long-term cognitive development.

The most common cause of injury was falling, representing 67% of accidents in pushchairs or strollers, and 63% in the case of baby carriers.

The second most common cause of injury was produced by the tipping or dropping of the baby carrier, representing 29% of the injuries, and 16% in the case of the overturning of the stroller.

Who is Liable? Users or The Products?

Lack of attention and safety measures are pointed as the main causes for these kinds of injuries.

One must ensure that the stroller restraint system is well placed and avoid situations that might cause the overturning of the strollers.

Do not use the mobile phone while pushing the stroller or when using the baby carrier, as it is a distraction that can cause parents to make mistakes, which can result in tragic accidents.

No matter what, if your young child has been injured while using a baby carrying product you’ll want to contact a personal injury law firm.

Other products like bounce houses have been known to cause serious injuries to kids, so always be aware.


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Do I Need a Lawyer if My Baby Was Injured?

Most baby carriers, cribs, and strollers on the market today are safe for general use.

Some products do have defects in their design or construction process, which causes them to not function as they should, or even worse, causes them to have the potential to harm your baby.

Manufacturing liability cases can be very difficult.

The law of product liability is very confusing, and you may need an attorney to help you understand your rights and protect your interests.

An attorney can also file a lawsuit in your favor against the designer, manufacturer, or seller of the defective product in order to obtain compensation for your toddler’s injuries.

How To Avoid Injuries?

You should not leave the stroller (or a baby) unattended at any time.

Remember that on more than one occasion we have seen videos in which a mother is distracted talking, using the mobile phone, etc., and the stroller has moved towards the road, or train tracks.

This happens just by forgetting to set the safety brake.

The fact is that all kinds of accidents can be avoided if parents increased their level of awareness and attention.

Another common accident is to place the groceries on the handlebar of the chair or using it to carry a heavy object.

The moment the handlebar is released, the risk of the chair overturning is high.

Experts also recommend that you always use strollers and baby carriers according to the child’s age and weight.

It would not be the first time we have seen a stroller for children up to three years old, being used by a child four or five years old.


babies being injured

Baby Carrier, Cribs, and Stroller Recalls

More than one million baby carriers of El Infante were removed from sale in the United States and Canada since they were responsible for the deaths of three children.

Specifically, one million baby carriers were withdrawn from the SlingRider and Wendy Bellissimo models in the United States and 15,000 units of the same models in Canada.

The manufacturer also announced that they would replace them all, completely free of charge.

Earlier, the US Consumer Product Safety Commission warned that baby carriers made of cloth could cause suffocation.

The agency called on parents to refrain from using the dangerous system until their child is four months old.


sue baby carrier companies

Can I Sue The Manufacturer if My Child Was Injured?

If a product does not work properly or causes harm to your baby, then the following parties may be responsible and liable:

  • The company that designed the product
  • The company that made the product
  • The company that sold the product

There are three primary types of product defects:

  • Design defect: A product has a design defect if the design (or model) of the product is unsafe.
  • Manufacturing defect, from factory: A product has a manufacturing defect if the product design is complete but the method of making the product is unsafe.
  • Warning defect: If the product does not have sufficient instructions or warnings about its use, and consequently damages its user, the product has a warning defect.

injury report

Safety Hazards of Baby Strollers and Cribs

The US Consumer Product Safety Commission warned of two hazardous situations that may lead to fatal outcome during the use of a baby carrier.

The first is that the fabric covers the nose and mouth of the baby making it difficult to breathe and causing death soon after.

The second situation occurs when the newborn remains lying inside the baby carrier with the spine curved in the shape of the letter “C”.

In this position, the baby can drop its head against the mother’s chest without being able to lift it because he has not developed the muscles of his neck, with the risk of a slow asphyxia.

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