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Alleged Street Racing Accident that Caused Injuries to 7 People is being Investigated by Authorities

Authorities are investigating the reported street racing accident that injured 7 people that happened at the intersection of Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard and Western Avenue in Vermont Square, Los Angeles City. Eye witnesses to the incident told KTLA news reporter that they have seen a white Dodge Challenger and a black Mercedes Benz were racing against one another before ramming a bus owned by the Metropolitan Transit Authority. At the time of the accident, the bus has no passenger.

Another eye witness claimed that a third car was in the street racing before the incident happened, however, authorities cannot confirm such eye witness account at press time. They are still looking into the surveillance camera footage to determine what had happened before the collision. Investigators said that if they could find evidence that there was indeed a street racing prior to the accident, they will file criminal felony against those who were involved.

Of the seven people injured in the collision, 6 were hospitalized, two of which are in critical condition.

The California Law on Street Racing

Street racing within the territorial jurisdiction of the State of California is illegal and against the state law. Any person involved in street racing could face a criminal felony under the State Statute, as read as follows:

{California Vehicle Code section 23109 (a) states: “A person shall not engage in a motor vehicle speed contest on a highway. As used in this section, a motor vehicle speed contest includes a motor vehicle race against another vehicle, a clock, or other timing device. For purposes of this section, an event in which the time to cover a prescribed route of more than 20 miles is measured, but where the vehicle does not exceed the speed limits, is not a speed contest.”}

A person involves in a street racing and found guilty for the violation thereof, might be meted with the following penalties, as follows:

  • To be arrested and the subject vehicle will be impounded for 30 days;
  • Will be imprisoned up to three months;
  • Will be fined by not more than 1,000 US dollars;
  • His driver license will be revoked;
  • The insurance on his vehicle will be cancelled or the premiums will be increased substantially; and
  • Will be issued of equipment violation or citation.

How Victims of Personal Injury due to Street Racing be given Justice?

In cases where a person is injured as a direct result of street racing, what compensation he could get against those who were involved in street racing?

With the able representation of a highly knowledgeable litigation legal counselor from Avrek Law Firm, the injured person or any person acting in his own behalf could successfully recovered from the erring drivers and their insurance provider actual damages, such as medical and hospital expenses, rehabilitation and therapy expenses, expenses incidental to or necessary for a comfortable living due to temporary or permanent disabilities, loss of wages or any other form of income derived from employment, practice of profession or any other revenue generating endeavor and the costs of litigating.

In addition, thereto, Avrek Law Firm litigation attorneys could assist the victim in recovering damages, such as compensation for pain and suffering due to injury, compensation of dismemberment of any parts of the body, including loss of senses, such as clear vision, hearing and others, restitution of the property that was damaged or lost and such other damages as the evidence may warrant under the law. These compensations for the injury sustained is different and distinct from those penalties imposed under the criminal negligence.

Avrek Law Firm has a proven track record of winning cases involving personal injuries with a high rate of success. Besides from winning the cases in favor of their clients, most were awarded by the jury with large sums of money as compensations for the injuries they sustained. Their mastery of the personal injury legalities and legal procedures, including its trial techniques made them the best choice to handle your case from the time of the inception of filing the complaint, the trial up to the appeal if necessary.

Call them now so that you can have a peace of mind while they are working for the success of your claims.

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